
How to hard reset your Android smartphone

  If you notice that your Android smartphone begins to do strange things or that it suddenly turns off or does not respond, as usual, one of the solutions that we can apply is to do a android hard reset, so that it can work again without a problem.  If you don't know what it is or you don't know how to do it, pay attention because we give you all the steps below. What is a hard reset? When we talk about hard reset android   on any mobile device, we refer to the fact of doing a complete "reset" of the smartphone, so that it is back with the factory settings.  That is, the applications that we have been installing will not appear, but only those that the serial device already brought. In this way, when you decide to do a hard reset of your Android mobile, what you are actually going to do is delete all those third-party apps that you have, as well as the information (calendar, contacts, accounts, etc ...) that you have been collecting since you started using the phone....